Smoking Cannabis vs Ingesting?
Is there a difference in the effects of cannabis, depending on whether you smoke it or…

Computer Vision Syndrome?
What can I do to reduce eyestrain from sitting in front of a computer screen all day?…

Benefits Of Topical Cannabis?
Are cannabis-based lotions and creams effective for relieving pain? What about topical…

Do Older Adults Need More Protein?
I’ve heard that we need to consume more protein as we get older. If this is true,…

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Organ Meats: Liver Lover?
My wife is from France and says organ meats – liver, brain, heart – are…

Are Functional Foods Worthwhile?
I’m wondering about the real benefits of so-called “functional foods,”…

A Different Kind of Calcium?
What can you tell me about calcium aspartate anhydrous? I’ve read that it has the…

Can Fenugreek Enlarge Breasts?
I’ve been told that fenugreek works for breast enlargement. Whether or not these…

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Ready for Raw Milk?
Do you think drinking raw milk is a good idea? If so, do I need to take a probiotic…

Can Cannabis Increase Anxiety?
I’ve always heard that cannabis was a potential treatment for anxiety – but is…

Best Way To Get B12?
I’m 59 and am trying to get more vitamin B12. I’ve been eating more meat, but…

Eye Drops For Cataracts?
N-acetylcarnosine (NAC) eye drops are used in Europe to slow or reverse formation of…

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