Overweight? How To Cut Calories

- Losing weight can be difficult, especially if you always feel hungry due to limited calories. But consuming more calories than you burn leads to being overweight and, eventually, obesity. To help get to a healthy weight, make daily exercise a priority and try these three steps that will cut calories:
- Avoid foods that are high in sugar and flour, and that carry a high glycemic load. This means most crackers, breads, and snack foods. They generally drive the craving for extra calorie intake shortly after consuming them.
- Don’t forget to eliminate sweetened beverages, an easy source of empty calories. Opt instead for unsweetened tea or sparkling water. If that is too dramatic of a transition, consider moving from soda to one of the prebiotic sodas now on the shelves with significantly lower calories and a possible GI benefit.
- Eat more vegetables! Most vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories and high in fiber – a great way to fill your belly up on vitamins and nutrients without taking in too many calories. The dense nature of vegetables will also satisfy your hunger and naturally cut calorie intake.
- Drinking cold water, both from the tap and sparkling versions can help fill your stomach and offset hunger as well.
Try these veggie-filled recipes that are sure to keep hunger at bay and satisfy taste buds:
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