3 Healthy Breakfast Options

This tip is courtesy of Dr. Weil on Healthy Aging: Your Online Guide to the Anti-Inflammatory Diet. For more nutrition and health guidance, start your 14-day free trial now!
It can be easy to eat right in the morning, but you have to have a gameplan: the ideal breakfast should provide one quarter to one third of your day’s protein, a fair amount of fiber (as low-glycemic carbohydrates) and some healthy fat. Here are some quick, healthful ideas:
- The traditional Japanese breakfast features broiled fish, steamed rice, pickled vegetables and green tea. Using canned, wild Alaskan salmon along with leftover rice and vegetables makes this a quick meal.
- Granola that’s lowest in sugar and highest in fiber (consider making a batch of your own using a fraction of the sweetener called for) with full-fat plain Greek yogurt, berries and walnuts.
- Keep some hardboiled eggs (choose free-range, omega-3 fortified eggs) on hand to eat with sprouted grain toast. Include a piece of fruit like an orange or grapefruit and a container of plain, unsweetened yogurt.
And don’t shy away from coffee with your breakfast – it is a good source of antioxidants, and research has linked coffee to a decreased risk of type 2 diabetes as well as improved mental health as you age. I suggest finding an organic or fair trade version. If coffee causes side effects such as anxiety, tremors or irritation of the digestive system, drink tea – it is a very healthy alternative.
Don’t miss tomorrow’s Daily Tip when we look at three breakfast foods to avoid.
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