Best Time To Take Blood Pressure Medication?
Is it true that best time to take blood pressure medication is at night instead of in the…
Is it true that best time to take blood pressure medication is at night instead of in the…
I understand that ultra-processed foods increase the risk for type 2 diabetes, but I’m…
Can you tell me whether drinking soda can lead to hip fractures in older women?
Is it true that women whose menstrual periods are irregular have shorter lives?
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I read that aspirin can help cure depression. Your thoughts?
Is it true that men who consume a lot of milk and cheese are at high risk of prostate…
What’s your view on mouth taping to prevent mouth breathing during sleep? I hear it’s…
I’ve been told that eating yogurt and fiber lowers the risk for lung cancer. If true,…
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What can you tell me about a study showing that consumption of trans fats can lead to…
Most people I know – myself included – don’t enjoy New Year’s Eve…
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