Rocker Bottom Shoes For Back Pain?
Do rocker bottom shoes really strengthen back muscles and help reduce back pain?
Do rocker bottom shoes really strengthen back muscles and help reduce back pain?
I had a vitreous detachment a couple of years ago. The resulting floaters in that eye are…
My mother, who is in her 70s, has been taking aspirin daily for some years. She has no…
I’m wondering about the new drug for the flu. I hear it is very expensive. How well does…
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Is hypnosis a useful treatment for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)?
I understand that drinking coffee can lower the risk of rosacea, but I’m wondering…
I understand that fish oil has been linked to healthy aging. How much fish would I have to…
I understand that heart attacks are more likely on cold, cloudy days. Can you explain the…
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Is it true that taking Viagra on a regular basis can make men color blind? If so, how…
I recently read that mammograms are no longer saving women’s lives. I would rather not…
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