Does Living Near A Park Help Prevent Breast Cancer?
Is it true that living near green spaces lowers the risk of breast cancer? I don’t get…
Is it true that living near green spaces lowers the risk of breast cancer? I don’t get…
I understand that global air pollution can cut years off our life. If this is true, is…
I’m concerned about the safety of nail polish. does it contain toxic chemicals?
I understand there’s a new medication for endometriosis. Can you tell me anything about…
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I’ve heard that certain diets can delay or hasten menopause. Can you tell me if this is…
I understand that women can lower their risk of breast cancer by consuming a lot of fruit…
I’ve heard that being physically fit in midlife can prevent depression as you get older…
Is it true that drinking alcohol puts you at risk for gum disease and some types of…
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I’ve been told that concussions can increase the risk of Parkinson’s disease? How…
I understand there’s a new drug for Alzheimer’s that really seems to work. What can…
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