A Balanced Gut Could Prevent Infections
The bacteria group Enterobacteriaceae — including Klebsiella pneumoniae, Shigella, and E…
30 seconds

Social Connections Could Help Stave Off Dementia
Research conducted at Rush University Medical Center suggests that frequently engaging in…
30 seconds

Fish Oil Linked To Slowed Prostate Cancer Growth
A recent study led by researchers at UCLA suggests that dietary changes may help reduce…
30 seconds

Music May Lessen Distress In People With Dementia
One recent report highlights the potential benefits of music therapy for people with advanced…
30 seconds

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Some Forms Of Solitude May Be Good For You
Research performed at Oregon State University suggests that less-intense forms of solitude,…
1 min

Ultra-processed Foods Tied To Colorectal Cancer Risk
Colorectal cancer, the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S., may be…
30 seconds

Putting The Focus On Fitness, Not Weight
It may be better to be overweight and fit than to be slim and sedentary, according to a…
30 seconds

For Lower Blood Pressure, Take The Stairs
A new study suggests that even small amounts of physical activity — such as uphill walking…
30 seconds

Exclusive Lifestyle, Nutrition & Health Advice
Dr. Weil's FREE health living advice delivered to you!
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