A Fish Story

A warning about smoked, cured and raw fish consumption comes from the Robert Koch Institute, a German public health institute. The potential problem is exposure to a species of listeria, a pathogen found in cold or hot smoked fish. Sushi, sashimi and oysters also may be affected. The institute’s study found that listeriosis mostly develops among people whose immune systems are weakened by pre-existing medical conditions or medications and can lead to blood poisoning, encephalitis, meningitis or miscarriages. Also at risk: pregnant women and seniors. The Institute advised these groups to consume fish only if it has been thoroughly heated. Reportedly, most listeriosis is severe and was fatal in five percent of all cases that occurred in 2018. In addition to fish, the bacteria may be found in minced meat, raw meat, raw sausage and raw milk as well as cheese made from raw or pasteurized milk, pre-cut salads and vegetables, deli salads or sliced sausage products.
Andreas Hensel et al, “Invisible threat: listeria in smoked fish.” BfR Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, October 7, 2020
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