Beetroot Juice Benefits Blood Vessel Function

Postmenopausal women are at increased risk for cardiovascular problems, due in part to declining levels of estrogen. Now, a small recent study suggests that beetroot juice might offer some protection. Researchers at Penn State studied the impact of beetroot juice on postmenopausal women’s heart and blood vessel health. The study involved 24 women in their 50s and 60s who consumed beetroot juice daily for a week.
They found that the juice, rich in nitrate, which converts to nitric oxide in the body, improved blood vessel function in these women. The participants also had enhanced blood flow compared to when they consumed nitrate-free beetroot juice. While more research and much larger studies are necessary, the findings suggest that regular intake of nitrate-rich beetroot juice could help support cardiovascular health in postmenopausal women.
Try this recipe today: Robust Beet Salad
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