Best Place To Store Tomatoes

The question of whether it is best to store ripe tomatoes in the refrigerator or at room temperature appears to have been settled by a team at Germany’s University of Göttingen. The ongoing issue has been whether there are differences in the flavor of ripe tomatoes depending on how they’re stored. Researchers trained to use their senses to perceive and evaluate the sensory properties of products analyzed differences in tomato sweetness, acidity and juiciness based on where they were stored. They found no significant differences in flavor between tomatoes stored in refrigerators and those left at room temperature. The study’s author Professor Elke Pawelzik wrote, however, that the shorter the storage period in general, the better the flavor. Short-term storage of ripe tomatoes in the refrigerator did not affect the flavor. She noted, however, that the variety of the tomato has important influence on its taste.
Larissa Kanski et al, “Flavor-Related Quality Attributes of Ripe Tomatoes Are Not Significantly Affected Under Two Common Household Conditions.” Frontiers in Plant Science, May 13, 2020. DOI:
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