Cancer And Your Weight

If you’re overweight and live in the South, Midwest, Alaska or Washington, D.C., your cancer risk is likely higher than that of overweight people who live in Hawaii, the Mountain States or New England. This news comes from a recently published American Cancer Society study showing that more than seven percent of cancer cases in the U.S. are associated with being overweight. Extra pounds put you at higher risk for liver, uterine and esophageal cancers, according to the study results. L Looking at cases of cancer diagnosed between 2011 and 2015 in people age 30 and older, the researchers found that 9.6 percent of cancers in women – 74,690 cases per year – and 4.7 percent of cancers in men – 37,670 cases per year – were associated with being overweight. Overall, the study showed that approximately one in 17 cases of cancer in every state is due to excess body weight.
Farhad Islami et al, “Proportion of Cancer Cases Attributable to Excess Body Weight by U.S. State, 2011-2015,” JAMA Oncology, December 27, 2018, doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2018.5639
Also in this week’s bulletin:
- Non-Sugar Sweeteners And Your Health
- Food Allergies Examined In Adults
- This week’s recipe: Green Power Drink