Cell Phones Can Ruin Your Workout

It’s self-evident that talking on a phone or texting can be dangerous while driving. New research now suggests that either of these activities could also endanger you during your workout. A study from Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania looked at how 45 college students performed during treadmill exercise while talking or texting. Results showed that in addition to reducing the intensity of the workout, these activities could affect balance, increasing the risk of falling and injuring yourself. Texting while working out can reduce balance by 45 percent while talking lowered it by 19 percent, the study found. In addition, it showed that talking and texting can have a negative effect on balance during any activity. This occurs because your attention is divided between your activity and your texting or talking, noted lead researchers Michael Rebold, Ph.D. The study also investigated performance while listening to music and determined that it doesn’t have any effect on balance. So your best bet for entertainment during exercise is turning on your favorite tunes.
Michael J. Rebold et al, “The impact of different cell phone functions and their effects on postural stability.” Performance Enhancement & Health, December 2, 2016; DOI: 10.1016/j.peh.2016.11.004
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