How Heavy Drinking Affects Kids

New research shows that the children of parents who are heavy drinkers of alcohol can suffer a range of mental health problems, as well as a higher-than-normal risk of physical illness and injury. What’s more, a study from Denmark found that these kids’ academic achievement is likely to be lower than average, and they’re more likely than other children to end up in foster care. According to lead author Julie Brummer, M.P.H., and colleagues at Aarhus University, most research on the harm that drinking can cause to family members has relied on self-reports. But because adults may underreport harms occurring to children in their own household, such surveys could give an incomplete picture.
Julie Brummer et al, “How do register-based studies contribute to our understanding of alcohol’s harms to family members? A scoping review of relevant literature.” Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, doi:10.15288/jsad.2021.82.445
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