Oils In Your Diet Might Make You Lazy

The oils in question are polyunsaturated fatty acids. New research from Canada suggests that regular consumption of these oils can make pre-teen girls lazy (as measured by the time they spend watching television) and may be linked to diabetes in adult women in Europe. For the study, the research team examined data from 21 European countries, considering factors such as the time 11-year-old girls spent watching TV per week, the country’s per capital gross domestic product, urbanization and even latitude. The researchers reported that the data analyzed revealed a link between consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids and increased sedentary behavior. The findings also showed a weak association between consumption of polyunsaturates and diabetes in adult women. An earlier animal study conducted by some of the same researchers found that a high fat diet rich in corn oil led to the loss of spontaneous physical activity and insulin sensitivity in mice. At the time, the investigators suggested that if these findings held true for humans, they might indicate a link between corn oil and other polyunsaturates in the diet, sedentary behavior and the development of insulin resistance.
Sanjoy Ghosh et al, “Analysis using national databases reveals a positive association between dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids with TV watching and diabetes in European females.” PLOS, March 29, 2017
Also in this week’s bulletin:
If you are tired of too many prescriptions – and have had enough of taking medications for ailments that may not require them – then my new book may be for you: Mind Over Meds looks at the problem of overmedication, the science that shows drugs aren’t always the best option, as well as helpful, reliable integrative medicine approaches.
Interested in expanding your knowledge on the latest in nutrition, healthful living and integrative medicine from internationally recognized experts including Andrew Weil, M.D., Donald Abrams, M.D., Victoria Maizes, M.D., Clint Woods, and more? Learn more about the 14th annual Nutrition Conference, Nutrition & Health: State of the Science and Clinical Applications, held May 1-3, 2017, at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel in Phoenix, Arizona.