Say No To Sunscreen Pills

The FDA has warned four companies against illegally marketing and selling dietary supplements that supposedly prevent sunburn, reduce skin aging caused by the sun, or protect from the risks of skin cancer. The FDA says the companies involved are misleading consumers and giving us a false sense of security that’s putting us at risk. According to the FDA, companies marketing products called “Advanced Skin Brightening Formula,” “Sunsafe Rx,” “Solaricare” and “Sunergetic” haven’t demonstrated that these supplements are safe and effective. The FDA warned all four to review their marketing claims and correct their violations. As far as conventional sunscreens are concerned, the FDA notes that when they first became available, they were used only occasionally at the beach. Now we’re encouraged to use them whenever we’re in the sun. This increased usage has raised questions about the potentially harmful effects of some sunscreen ingredients now known to penetrate the skin. With that in mind, an FDA statement says the agency is committed to finding ways to ensure the safety and efficacy of sunscreens offered for sale to the public.
FDA Statement: “Statement from FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D., on new FDA actions to keep consumers safe from the harmful effects of sun exposure, and ensure the long-term safety and benefits of sunscreens.” May 22, 2018,
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