Strength Training For Women

Female students asked why they avoid using free weights and machine weight during their workouts told researchers that being unsure of how to properly use the equipment was a factor. In addition, they cited the presence and behavior of men in the gym, which made them feel self-conscious about using machine weights and free weights, as well as indoor running tracks. One woman said it is uncomfortable using certain parts of the recreational facilities because it is often divided into women primarily using the cardio machines and men in the weight section. The researchers said women may feel constrained from using free weights “due to a lack of knowledge or confidence, crowded spaces, or unsolicited advice from male peers.” Bottom line: women should be advised to seek a comfortable place to perform weight training, which is especially important for women’s health. It will increase bone density and provide an antidote to the hormonal and metabolic changes that can cause calcium loss and the development of osteoporosis.
Oliver W. A. Wilson et al, “Gender differences in college student physical activity, and campus recreational facility use, and comfort.” Journal of American College Health, 2020; 1 DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2020.1804388
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