4 Beverages To Add To Your Healthy Drink List

Today we cover four healthy beverages – experiment to find the best ways to incorporate them into your daily routine:
- Green tea. Dr. Weil’s beverage of choice, green tea is a potent source of catechins – healthy antioxidants that can inhibit cancer cell activity and help boost immunity. Always aim for an organic and fair-trade version. Replace your morning coffee with a cup of tea for a healthier wake-up, and drink unsweetened iced green tea throughout the day. Because green tea does contain caffeine, be sure to monitor your sleep if you consume it after midday.
- Cranberry juice. Cranberries are a rich source of vitamin C and contain a substance that hinders the attachment of bacteria to bladder walls, which can help prevent urinary tract infections. Instead of cranberry juice cocktail, opt for unsweetened cranberry juice concentrate and dilute with water or sparkling water and a slice of citrus. Diluted 100 percent blueberry juice or pomegranate juice can be healthy choices as well, as long as you keep your total juice intake low.
- Red wine. The antioxidant activity of red wine has been linked to heart health benefits, reduced stress, and even preserving memory. If you enjoy an occasional drink, limit your intake to one to two glasses a day. If you don’t drink, don’t start – there are other ways to get antioxidants in your diet, most importantly from fresh organic whole fruits and vegetables or the beverages above.
- Pure, filtered water. Staying well hydrated is essential to optimal health and overall functioning. Sip water throughout the day, and in the warmer months, be sure to drink water before and after exercising to avoid dehydration. Make sure to have some type of filter on your tap water, even store-bought charcoal-based pitchers can make a difference and allows you to minimize the drinking of purchased water from plastic bottles. If trying to kick a soda habit, try sparkling mineral water with a squeeze of citrus.
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