4 Frozen Foods To Add To Your Grocery List

If you are grocery shopping on a tight budget, spend some extra time in the frozen food section. While fresh foods are generally a better choice, frozen foods can fit the bill when fresh produce is not available or is cost prohibitive. Often frozen produce has the advantage of being frozen in its ripest state, allowing for the most health-containing aspects to be present. Some healthy, budget friendly options include:
- Berries: frozen berries such as raspberries, blackberries and blueberries are perfect for adding to smoothies, while offering up antioxidants and fiber. Since they are generally on the dirty dozen list for pesticides, opt for organic berries if possible.
- Edamame: a good source of isoflavones, frozen edamame is often easier to find than fresh. This is also an important one to focus on being organic.
- Seafood: wild Alaskan salmon and black cod are sustainable seafood options that may be more cost-effective frozen than fresh.
- Vegetables: look for frozen spinach, kale and other dark, leafy greens that have no added ingredients. You can also put fresh dark greens that may not be eaten before wilting in the freezer for later use in smoothies, soups or an egg scramble.
When buying frozen, choose organic produce when possible. The price of frozen organic foods is often lower than that of fresh organics. If you cannot buy all organic, follow the “Clean 15” from the Environmental Working Group for your non-organicpriority list. These are the 15 non-organic product items that contain the least pesticide residues. Also, be sure to read labels – generally avoid frozen meals as they often contain inferior ingredients such as trans-fats and high sodium content. Although many companies do offer clean options, just be sure to read the ingredients labels.
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