6 Ways To Get Organized And Stop Putting Things Off

Procrastination is very common, whether it is related to work, home or personal life. But chronic indecisiveness and delay can eventually undermine a healthy lifestyle. The good news is there are simple ways to help overcome these tendencies. You can address procrastination through behavioral workshops, group therapy, individual therapy or with some of the following lifestyle strategies:
- Break large jobs into small ones. Start with a yearly plan, break it down into months, then weeks, then days. Feel free to specify detailed tasks for the days and weeks only a month or so in advance.
- Organize your environment. Chaotic surroundings can be distracting and stressful, and pull your focus from the task at hand. Also be sure to minimize distraction by turning your phone off or in “do not disturb” mode and turning your email off.
- Schedule your time. If you need to, wake an hour earlier or use part of your break time as a temporary strategy to get tasks accomplished.
- Set reasonable goals. Trying to achieve too much in too little time can actually set you back.
- Set deadlines to accomplish your larger tasks. When you achieve them, treat yourself – some flowers or a small piece of dark chocolate are appropriate and satisfying rewards.
Pace yourself. Work on a task you’ve been postponing for ten minutes and then decide whether or not to continue. If you discontinue the task, schedule another time to get it done.
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