Concerned That Your Voice Tone Is Changing?
If you have noticed a change in your voice – and you aren’t a boy going through puberty – it may simply be a natural part of aging. Both the volume and quality of the voice is affected as we grow older, often resulting in a pitch change or slight breathiness or hoarseness when speaking. This is due to normal changes in the vocal cords: in men, the cords tend to become thinner, smaller and vibrate faster, resulting in a higher pitch. In women, the vocal cords can thicken and vibrate less, resulting in a deeper voice. Cartilage tissue in the larynx also becomes stiffer and less flexible, frequently causing a weaker-sounding voice.
To help prevent or reduce the effect of aging on the voice, try using your voice more regularly – those with a trained singing or public speaking background often maintain stronger voices as they age. Also, don’t smoke or vape and minimize your exposure to secondary sources, as it likely accelerates the voice changes associated with aging.
If, on the other hand, you feel your voice changes are more than just normal aging or there is pain; consider an investigation. Low thyroid is a common cause of hoarse voice as is certain vitamin or mineral imbalances, so consider meeting with an integrative practitioner for a thorough blood investigation and physical examination.
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