Healthy Soy Snacks
Whole soy foods contain phytochemicals called isoflavones – shown in hundreds of studies to help prevent heart disease and several forms of cancer. Roasted soybeans, known as “soy nuts,” are a great way to get the health benefits of soy while satisfying almost any snack craving. A one-ounce serving (about one-quarter of a cup) amounts to about 120 calories, 10 grams of protein, six grams of fiber, and only four grams of fat – three of them unsaturated. Roasted soy nuts come in sweet and spicy flavors, as well as regular salted and unsalted varieties. Be aware that some of the flavored varieties may have more calories, fat or additives like MSG – so read the labels carefully. Regardless, a one-ounce serving is healthier for you than a bag of potato chips or a candy bar as a snack.
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