Help Manage Your Weight – Cut Down On Screen Time

I have long recommended taking a news fast every now and then, because research has shown that the emotional content and thus burden of television news can affect mood and aggravate sadness and depression. Obviously, recent events and the upcoming electionare heavy in news coverage and can add to this impact on your health. By simply turning off the tube for a whole week, you can do more than avoid sadness – you can help to promote a healthy weight. I recommend that this fast also include social media apps from all of your screens as well.
Instead of hunkering down on the couch for a few hours each night or even just having the news on in the background, use the time to go for a walk or bike ride, visit a park, play with your family or companion animals. You could even clean the house or run errands, the list of calorie-burning activities is endless. Replacing a sedentary activity with one that gets you moving is a great way to increase the number of calories you burn – give it a try and see how you feel.
Learn more about how too much television may be bad for the memory.
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