Summer Side Dish: Chilled French Bean Salad
A True Food Kitchen exclusive! As True Food Kitchen chef Michael Stebner says, “Here’s a variation of a dish my mother used to make when I was growing up in Oregon, with a vegetarian Caesar dressing created by Andy’s daughter, Diana. Talk about a collaboration! As always, freshness and seasonality are the keys to the success of this dish. It’s best when made a few hours in advance and served chilled. Try it tossed with romaine leaves, croutons, fresh-cracked pepper and some Parmigiano-Reggiano shavings.”
Food as Medicine
Along with abundant anti-inflammatory flavonoids including quercetin and kaemferol, green beans are good sources of the mineral silicon. While not as widely known as other nutritive minerals, silicon is essential for strong bones and healthy connective tissue. Keeping cooking times brief – as they are in this recipe – helps to preserve nutrient levels.
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