A Better Kind Of Sugar?
I’ve noticed more health food brands using evaporated cane juice as a sweetener. How…

A Better Pink Fish?
My fish market is selling Arctic char as a substitute for wild salmon now that our access…

A Cuppa Caffeine Instead of Water?
Can you get enough water from just drinking tea and coffee?

A New Kind of Health Food?
I recently heard about a kind of potato that prevents cancer but is also a low-calorie and…

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A Short Cut to Good Health?
Can you recommend a specific brand of green tea extract (liquid version) that might be an…

Absorbing All Your Nutrients?
Can you tell me how much of given nutrients are normally absorbed by the body? Is there…

Adult Picky Eating?
I’ve discovered that a friend, a 30-year-old woman, is a picky eater. She looks…

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