Is Coffee A Health Food?
Every week there seems to be news about the health benefits of drinking coffee. I’m…
Every week there seems to be news about the health benefits of drinking coffee. I’m…
As someone who loves a couple cups of coffee a day but needs to avoid inflammatory foods,…
I love eating fresh corn on the cob in the summer, but I’m wondering whether or not it…
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I have succeeded in losing weight on a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet, but now I’ve…
I’ve heard that star fruit is bad for the kidneys and should be avoided. Is this…
I was told that you if you eat the same thing everyday for a long period of time, such as…
What’s your take on the fast-food chains McDonald’s and Burger King making…
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I’ve heard that “food porn” – taking and posting pictures of what you’re about…
What do you think of genetically modified salmon?
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