Are Spices Healthy?
I read that adding spices to your foods makes them healthier. If so, what spices are best…
Are Sports Drinks Necessary?
Are sports drinks any better than water to keep up your energy during a run? If so, what…
Are Vitamin Waters Good for You?
What do you think of all these vitamin waters on the market? I drink one almost every day…
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Are Walnuts Healthier Than Pecans?
You recommend walnuts as a good vegetarian source of omega-3, but I’ve read that…
Avoid Avocados?
I love avocados but a friend cautioned me about eating them for two reasons – their…
Avoid Tilapia?
What’s this I hear about tilapia being dangerous? I thought eating fish is good for…
Avoid Vegetables with Oxalic Acid?
I’ve heard that spinach, as well as some other vegetables contain significant…
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Battling Broccoli?
I like broccoli, but, to be frank, it gives me gas, as do related foods such as…
BCAAs: Boosting Protein Intake?
What can you tell me about BCAA (branched chain amino acids)? What kinds of foods supply…
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