Always Hungry?
David S. Ludwig, MD, PhD explores the reasons why some people are always hungry in his latest…
5 min

An Interview with Bill Douglas
What benefits can Tai chi and Qigong bring to others? The world is experiencing a stress…
7 min

An Interview with Joy Gurgevich
What are the basic tenets of good nutrition? The basic tenets of good nutrition are: Eating…
2 min

An Interview with Lynne Bundesen
Is everyone spiritual? We all have access to Spirit. Spirit is universal and impartial and…
1 min

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An Interview with Martin Rossman, M.D.
You are releasing a new book called The Worry Solution. Why did you choose to focus on worry?…
5 min

An Interview with Michael Menke
What are the basic principles of chiropractic care? Today, most people see chiropractors to…
5 min

An Interview with Michael Roland
Can you explain the fundamentals of natural healing? I think of natural healing in two ways…
4 min

An Interview with Richard Leider
You focus on helping people live their life “on purpose.” Can you explain this?…
2 min

Exclusive Lifestyle, Nutrition & Health Advice
Dr. Weil's FREE health living advice delivered to you!
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