How Dangerous Are Treadmills?
The recent death of SurveyMonkey CEO Dave Goldberg has me worried about working out on…
How Much Exercise Do We Need?
How Much Exercise for Longer Life?
I heard recently about a study showing that even a little bit of exercise can extend your…
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How Safe Are Fitness Trackers?
Is my fitness tracker exposing me to dangerous electromagnetic waves? I don’t sleep with…
How To Make Exercise A Habit
Is Cycling Bad For Bones?
I ride a bike for exercise and have for years. Now I understand it isn’t good for bones…
Is Fasted Cardio Safe, And Is It Effective For Weight Loss?
Can I lose more weight if I exercise on an empty stomach?
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Is Insulin OK to Boost Athletic Performance?
I know you oppose the use of anabolic steroids and ephedra by athletes to improve…
Is It Safe to Follow the Body for Life Program?
I’m following Bill Phillips’ Body for Life program, which entails…
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