How Dangerous Is Household Dust?
I was alarmed to hear that there are all kinds of harmful chemicals in household dust. Can…

Is Housecleaning Dangerous?
How important is it for my health to use all-natural cleaning products? Or is (it) more…

Is Mold a Menace?
Our school has been partially closed due to mold. They are renovating part of the building…

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Is Tap Water Toxic?
I’m concerned about my tap water. I’ve heard that it can legally contain all sorts of…

Medical Research Mysteries?
Almost every week I come across a news item about a medical study, often one that seems to…

Microfiber Menace?
I’ve heard that microfibers from fleece jackets are being released into the environment…

Mouse in the House?
Do transonic pest repellants have any adverse effects on humans? We are considering…

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Music to Soothe and Relax?
I know you say that music is relaxing and can lower stress, but I need specifics. What…

Natural Fibers For Your Home

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