Remote Medical Care for International Travel?
I’m planning a trip out of the country in a few months. I’ve heard that it is…

Return of the Phthalates?
I thought phthalates were banned from children’s toys and child-care products, but…

Ringing In The New Year Weil Style?
Most people I know – myself included – don’t enjoy New Year’s Eve…

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Sabotaging Helpful Inflammation?
Given that inflammation is caused by the rush of immune cells toward an injured area of…

Saving Umbilical Cord Blood?
What are the advantages of preserving the umbilical cord at birth and how is this done?…

Seeking an Integrative Medicine Physician?
I am interested in finding a doctor trained in or open to integrative medicine. Where…

Seeking Integrative Medical Care?
I’ve been seeing the word "integrative" on medical center marquees. Who…

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Setting Off Fireworks At Home?
People in my neighborhood are planning a DYI fireworks display for July 4th. Should I be…

Seven Medical Myths

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