What Is Integrative Medicine?

What Is Slow Medicine?
Can you tell me anything about slow medicine? I’ve heard the term mentioned, but I…

What to Do About Whiplash?
My sister was recently in a car accident where she was rear-ended. She has been suffering…

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What's Economy Class Syndrome?
What risks of deep vein blood clots are associated with airline travel? I once read that…

What's That Urine Smell From Asparagus?
I love asparagus, but after I eat it I notice that my urine has a strong, peculiar odor…

What's the Best Indoor Light?
I recently replaced my incandescent bulbs with energy-saving fluorescents. But a friend…

What's With "Urgent Care"?
I’ve just moved from a rural area to Phoenix, Ariz., and have noticed many small…

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What's with Camu Camu?
What can you tell me about camu camu, which is supposed to be the latest and greatest in…

What's Wrong With Drinking Hot Water?
Is hot water as hydrating as cold or room temperature water? Why do carbonated waters make…

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