Addicted to Food?
Can you be addicted to food? It doesn’t make sense to me, but I wonder if food…

Addicted To The Internet?
Is there such a thing as internet addiction? And if so, what can you do about it?


Are All Heavy Drinkers Alcoholics?
I’ve heard that there’s a difference between heavy drinking and alcoholism and…

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Are Flavored Smokes Safer?
What can you tell me about "bidis," the clove-flavored cigarettes from India?…

Are Oreos Really Addictive?
Are you familiar with the study showing that Oreo cookies are as addictive – or more…

Are You Addicted to Salt?
Is there such a thing as sodium addiction? I crave salty foods but would like to cut down…

Best Way To Quit Smoking?
I have smoked for more than 30 years. I’ve tried to quit a number of times and…

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