Can Adults Get Rickets?
What is osteomalacia? What are the symptoms and what do you recommend for…

Can MSM Do Any Good for Arthritis Pain?
What is your opinion about using MSM for arthritis treatment? Does long-term use have a…

Can Supplements Help Heal Broken Bones?
I fractured my arm. Is there anything I can do speed healing?

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Can Triclosan Cause Osteoporosis?
I’m concerned about my bone density and have heard that exposure to triclosan can lead…

Can Yoga Build Bone?
I know that weight-bearing activity is good for bone strength, but I’m wondering whether…

Cannabis For Broken Bones?
I heard about a study showing that cannabis can help heal broken bones. is this true?…

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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Cherry Juice to Relieve Joint Pain?
I recently read that taking 2,000 mg of cherry concentrate provides more pain relief than…

Coping With a New Joint?
What advice can you offer for recovering from a hip and knee replacement?

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