Does HRT Cause Ovarian Cancer?
I’ve been taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for about six years. Every time I…
I’ve been taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for about six years. Every time I…
I’ve just heard that low levels of vitamin D are associated with aggressive cases of…
Is it true that living near green spaces lowers the risk of breast cancer? I don’t get…
I’ve seen conflicting articles about milk consumption and cancer. Does it raise or…
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I’ve heard that following a Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra olive oil can…
I’m due to have a hysterectomy because of troublesome fibroids and am concerned…
What are the statistics of breast cancer in women who smoke? I am 30 years old.
Someone told me that new scientific evidence shows smoking causes colon cancer. Is that…
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I’ve heard that a new study found a connection between soy and breast cancer. Is…
I know that sugar isn’t good for us, but I was stunned to read that it can increase…
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