Finding Ovarian Cancer Early?
I just heard that the American Cancer Society and other organizations have announced that…
Frequent Flier Cancer?
I’m concerned about the report that flight attendants have an increased risk of cancer…
Gerson Therapy: Coffee, Juice and Cancer?
What can you tell me about Gerson Therapy that treats cancer with coffee enemas and lots…
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Graviola: A Worthwhile Botanical Against Cancer?
I read about a South American herb called graviola, which supposedly boosts immunity and…
Half-Baked Cancer Cure?
I’ve been reading recently about taking sodium bicarbonate for cancer treatment. I…
HALO Test for Determining Breast Cancer Risk?
Can you provide information on the website about the HALO Breast Pap test for breast…
Helping a Child Cope with Chemo?
What can you recommend for a child who is undergoing chemotherapy in order to prevent…
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Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Exclusive Lifestyle, Nutrition & Health Advice
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