Lung Cancer in Non-Smokers?
My cousin was just diagnosed with lung cancer and never smoked a day in his life. What…
Mammograms: Too Much Radiation?
In all the controversy about mammograms, I haven’t heard any discussion of risks due to…
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More Genetic Tests for Breast Cancer?
I understand there are other tests besides BRCA1 and BRCA2 that can predict breast and…
MRIs or Mammograms?
What is the advantage of having an MRI instead of a mammogram to find breast cancer? Which…
Mushrooms Against Cancer?
My sister-in-law was diagnosed with lung cancer almost three years ago and is now in…
Mushrooms To Curb Cancer?
What can you tell me about the mushroom Agaricus blazei? I’ve been told that it…
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Natural Relief for Radiation Burns?
A friend is suffering with pain from severe radiation burns after treatment for colon…
New Breast Cancer Risk for Jewish Women?
Is it true that all Jewish women should be tested for the genetic mutations that cause…
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