Ovarian Cancer Puzzle?
My 50-year old sister had her ovaries removed during a hysterectomy several years ago. She…
Poly-MVA: A Worthwhile Cancer Treatment?
What is Poly-MVA, and is it helpful for cancer?
Preparing For Breast Cancer?
Is it true that doctors can now predict when a woman with a BRCA gene mutation will…
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Preventing Breast Cancer Recurrence?
Is it safe to take turmeric after a lumpectomy and radiation treatments? Would it be…
Preventing Breast Cancer?
What can I do to reduce my risk of breast cancer? I’m 35 and haven’t had any…
Preventing Cancer Recurrence?
I was discouraged to read about the study finding that a diet high in fruits and…
Preventing Colon Cancer?
My father was just diagnosed with colon cancer. What can I do to reduce my risks?
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Preventing Hair Loss From Chemo?
I’ve read that cancer patients can prevent their hair from falling out by keeping their…
Preventing Weight Loss During Cancer Treatment?
My mother has been diagnosed with cancer and will soon begin chemotherapy. I’ve seen…
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