Thyroid Link To Breast Cancer?
I hear that women with over-active thyroids are at increased risk of breast cancer even if…
Tom Brokaw's Cancer?
I just heard that Tom Brokaw has cancer, but I had never heard of the type he has. Is it…
Too Many Mastectomies?
My friend needs surgery for "early" breast cancer. She wants to have both…
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Too Young for Cancer?
My friend’s 30-year-old son was just diagnosed with colon cancer. There’s no…
Treating Cancer With Integrative Medicine
Treating Prostate Cancer?
Is prostate cancer an epidemic? It would seem to be just by the number of public figures…
Treating Thyroid Cancer?
I just had my thyroid removed due to papillary cancer. I am told that radioactive iodine…
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Turkey Tail Mushrooms For Cancer Treatment?
What does the latest research say about turkey tail mushrooms and cancer?
Turmeric for Breast Cancer Prevention?
Is it true that turmeric can prevent breast cancer? What can you tell me about this?
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