Is Obesity a Disease?
What do you think of the decision by the American Medical Association to declare obesity a…
What do you think of the decision by the American Medical Association to declare obesity a…
I am considering prolotherapy for relief of sciatica pain. Can you give me an update on…
How worried should we be about new variants of the coronavirus?
Does a diagnosis of Covid-19 increase the odds of developing or worsening this…
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Traditional medicine apparently has no remedy for Hidradenitis Suppurativa. Do you have…
What can you tell me about the new drug for COVID-19? I heard that it works, then heard…
I am of Asian descent and visit Taiwan on a yearly basis. I recently heard about an…
For 11 years I have been getting from two to nine sores on my body and finally was…
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My grandchild has infantile seizures and has recently been put on the ketogenic diet. Do…
I was diagnosed with transverse myelitis a few months ago. It affects the strength in my…
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