Poison Oak

Preparing Your Own Skin Potions?
I have seen good reports on topical antioxidants. Unfortunately, they are expensive…

Probiotics For Your Skin?
Are there any benefits to probiotics in skin creams?

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Ready For Reishi Mushrooms?
Can you please tell me about the health benefits of reishi mushrooms? What’s the best…

Remedy for Cold Sores?
What is the best treatment for cold sores and fever blisters?

Removing Acne Scars?
What is the best way to eliminate acne scars on the face?

Removing Tattoos?
I got a tattoo a few years ago, and now I would like to have it removed. However,…

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Rethinking Sunscreen?
I’ve been using sunscreen religiously, and now I hear that by protecting my skin, I…

Reversing Hair Loss?
I go through periods where I lose hair for no apparent reason (no extra stress, no dietary…

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