Homemade Sunscreen?
Some of my friends are making their own sunscreens because they are afraid of the…

How Much Trouble Can a Skin Infection Cause?
My seven-year-old son has had molluscum contagiosum since last November. In the past few…


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Is Body Piercing Unsafe?
My nephew plans to have his ear cartilage and nostril pierced. I think this is terrible…

Is Costly Skin Care Worthwhile?
I keep seeing anti-aging face creams that cost well into the thousands of dollars. What is…

Is Dry Brushing My Skin Healthy?
What do you think of the practice of “dry brushing” the skin? Does it really…

Is Facial Acupuncture Safe and Effective?
Is facial acupuncture really a worthwhile alternative to a facelift?

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Is Grooming Pubic Hair Really Harmful?
Is it true that removing or grooming pubic hair increases the risk of sexually transmitted…

Is It True That Red Light Therapy Can Treat Wrinkles?
Are there any health benefits to red light therapy?

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