Herbal Help for Hay Fever, Headaches?
I’m trying to learn more about the herb butterbur. I understand it can be used to…

High Altitude Headache?
I get headaches at high altitudes. Is there anything I can do to prevent them?

How Does Caffeine Affect Migraines?
I heard that drinking caffeinated beverages brings on migraine headaches, but it makes…

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Hunger Headaches

Hypertension Headaches

Magnetic Stimulation For Migraines?
I understand there’s a new device to treat migraines using magnets. Can you tell me…

Medicate Migraines While Breastfeeding?
I am a breastfeeding mom who suffers from migraines. Are there supplements that can…

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Medication Overuse Headaches

Menstrual Migraines

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