High LDL Cholesterol: Best Approach?
I am 59 years old, in excellent physical condition, don’t smoke, and my blood…
I am 59 years old, in excellent physical condition, don’t smoke, and my blood…
I’m leery about hormone replacement therapy, but I understand that it can help prevent…
I heard a report on the radio that we’re now supposed to lower cholesterol even more…
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I was disappointed to learn that coronary stents are no better than other treatments for…
Is it true that climate change is responsible for an increasing number of strokes?…
I am 37 and just learned that my triglycerides are at 1,600, my thyroid is underactive,…
I heard that eating after 6 p.m. raises a woman’s risk of heart disease. True?
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Some alternative medicine physicians are recommending EECP as a natural bypass instead of…
I never worried much about heart disease because my HDL cholesterol has always been high…
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