Switching Cholesterol Controls?
My husband has been taking Lipitor to lower his cholesterol for two years. It has worked…
My husband has been taking Lipitor to lower his cholesterol for two years. It has worked…
I’ve been diagnosed with “premature atrial contractions.” I wore a…
I was shocked to learn that former vice president Dick Cheney had a heart transplant. Can…
My niece, age 32, has been diagnosed with heart disease. I assume this is unusual, but I…
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I just learned that a good friend, age 37, has high blood pressure. What does that mean…
I’m a male, age 25, and was shocked to learn that my cholesterol is high. What foods…
I just heard that people with high blood pressure are supposed to go out and buy machines…
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In my mid-thirties, I found out that my triglycerides were extremely high. I began to…
I had my lipid check-up and my triglycerides were 600. I had another test the next day and…
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