Heart Beating Too Fast?
I suffer from a supraventricular reentry tachycardia. The doctors find nothing else is…
Heart Disease: Is Sugar A Killer?
I know that too much sugar isn’t good for us, but I was surprised to hear that diets…
Heart Disease: Outsmarting Heredity?
What do you make of the sudden death of St. Louis Cardinal pitcher Darryl Kile. What…
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Heart Health Tip - Trouble Lowering Your Cholesterol?
Herbs for Hypertension?
I just read about a new herbal medicine for blood pressure called Mukta Vati. What do you…
Hidden High Blood Pressure?
Can you have high blood pressure and not know it? I’ve heard that sometimes blood…
High Blood Pressure Protection?
I eat a fairly healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables. I was surprised to learn I…
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High Blood Pressure, Hypertension
High Cholesterol
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