Another Tick Threat?
I understand that there’s a new danger from tick bites that is worse than Lyme…

Are Mite Bites Dangerous?
Do mites transmit disease to humans? I have been bitten many times over the past 5 months…

Bed Bugs Biting?
My neighbor in my apartment building has discovered bed bugs. I’m horrified. What…

Best Way To Defeat Lyme Disease?
What do you recommend for Lyme disease? My doctor suggested bismacine, but I’ve…

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Bugged By Bugs?
I am going camping soon in a variety of damp, wooded areas. Do you have any suggestions…

Can Garlic Repel Mosquitoes?
I heard that eating a lot of garlic could help repel mosquitoes. Is this true? Is there…

Can My Puppy Make Me Sick?
My new puppy has giardia. Is it contagious to humans, and if so, how do I protect myself…

Can't Escape Chiggers?
A friend has been battling chiggers and really needs help. Do you have any advice on how…

Exclusive Lifestyle, Nutrition & Health Advice
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