Natural Sleep Aids & Tips

Need a Strategy to Stay Asleep?
I don’t have any trouble falling asleep. My problem is staying asleep. I wake up in…

Need Less Sleep?
I have a friend who sleeps only four hours a night. She says that’s all she needs,…

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Overcoming Insomnia With Blue Light?
I read an article about a blue light box that helps insomnia. You place the box on or next…

Seeking Sound Sleep?
I have been diagnosed with idiopathic hypersomnia/narcolepsy and have been prescribed…

Sight And Your Sleep?
I’m becoming myopic, and aside from affecting my eyesight, it appears to be disturbing…

Sleep & Cognition: A Connection?
Is it true that not getting enough sleep – or getting too much – negatively…

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Sleep Apnea

Sleep in Short Supply?
I’m tired during the day because of decreased depth and length of sleep. I awake…

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