Mid-Life Transition

Mushrooms To Prevent Dementia?
I’ve heard that eating mushrooms can help prevent Alzheimer’s. Is this too good to be…

My Aging Brain: What's Your Name, Again?
I’m in my sixties, and I sometimes seem to temporarily forget the most ordinary things…

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Negative Thinking And Alzheimer’s?
I’ve been told that negative thinking can lead to Alzheimer’s disease. Is this true?…

Neurotransmitters: What Tests Work Best?
I recently had my neurotransmitter levels and hormone levels checked through a lab (urine…

New Drug For Alzheimer’s Disease?
I understand there’s a new drug for Alzheimer’s that really seems to work. What can…

No Midlife Crisis?
Is it true that the midlife crisis has been discredited? I heard recently that it’s…

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Obesity & Alzheimer’s?
Can you tell me about a study showing that women who are overweight at midlife are at…

Olive Oil To Prevent Alzheimer's?
Is it true that extra-virgin olive oil can help protect against Alzheimer’s? How often…

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