Stubborn Aging Parents?
Do you have any advice for taking care of aging parents who are independent but obstinate…

Taking a Leap!

Thimerosal: Can Flu Shots Lead to Alzheimer's?
My parents, who are in their 50’s, want to get flu shots this year. However, they…

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Tips For Weight Loss

Toast Your Good Health With Resveratrol?
In view of findings that the resveratrol in red wine is good for you, do you recommend…

Too Much Meat in Middle Age?
Is it true that eating a high-protein diet when you’re middle-aged doubles your risk…

Too Much TV?
I’ve been told that watching too much television can affect your memory as you age. If…

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Too Old For Organ Donation?
I am over 60 and have always been an organ donor, but I’m wondering whether donations…

Too Old to Build Muscle?
Is heavy weight lifting a good exercise for someone who is 60 years old?

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