Are Dairy Foods A Prostate Cancer Risk?
Is it true that men who consume a lot of milk and cheese are at high risk of prostate…

Aspirin For Prostate Cancer?
I was told that taking aspirin can protect men from prostate cancer. Is this true? Is…

Avoid Vitamin E for Prostate Health?
Does taking vitamin E increase or decrease the risk of prostate cancer? What about…

Azoospermia Sterility: No Sperm?
Do you have any recommendations for azoospermia sterility?

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Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

Best Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction?
I recently consulted an endocrinologist who gave me a shot of something called…

Bone Scans for Men?
I heard recently that men as well as women should have bone density tests as they get…

Can Caffeine Cure Baldness?
Is it true that caffeine can promote hair growth and could cure baldness?

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